Туин Пийкс
Води към история за Ню Йорк
някъде из Америка, 1.VI.2007
цветният месец Май,
на някои езици - Кветен

Какво показват празниците за стопаните си
Нотингам, 6.V.2007
Един булдог
Сън за махалата, кучета и котки
Пловдив на сън, Нотингам, 5.V.2007
Островни митове
Албион, Каледония, Хиберния, 19.IV.2007
Ще се радвам да получа вашите впечатления и вдъхновения! Използвайте абв пощата ми (на главнага страница е). Но това не е точно блог, тук ще публикувам само тези които биха допринесли към страниците! (Това включва и негативни!)
I would be very happy to receive your comments and inspirations! Please use my email (see main page). This is not quite a blog however, here will be published only those which I felt contribute to the pages. (Don't worry I have the guts to publish negative too!)
An Essay on Creationism
The Intelligent Design debate has come to UK
Nottingham, 19.II.2007
Pismo do priiatel vkashti
Lek za bitovoto tchernogledstvo
ot daletche, daletche, 5.IV.2005
Things are not OK in Milton, Ontario
The Supernatural haunts worldwide
Milton, Ontario / Bulgaria, 11.II.2007
Solar Magnetohydrodynamics
Creativity of two kinds
Sheffield, 10.V.2007
Към главната страница
Back to entrance
Visa for America
Yes, I really did send this letter!
US embassy in London, 21.I.2005
A few stories from a Balkan train journey
War, crisis and happiness
Belgrade - Nish - Sofiia, 21.XII.2005
Място тепърва родено. A barebones project.
Гьорличани и други
За модите и цивилизацията
Гъорлиц, София, Нотингам, 16.III.2007
Back home, to the
land of hardship

A train conversation
Sofiia - Plovdiv, 13.XII.2006
east-west and extinction
On my frustration with a different culture
Nottingham, 6.X.2005
no mear, barcelona
Back to Sanity
Barcelona, 11.VII.2005
zakuska v Parij
a short communication
Parij, 30.VII.2006
Зимата дойде
Мечта за Нотингам
Нотингам, 13.X.2006
a sad loss
Stranger for a second year
Cambridge and Nottingham, 6.X.2005
My Central-European Christmas story
Only a clock-maker and rich merchants on donkeys are missing
Prague and further, 16.II.2005
Stepped down in Barcelona
Impressions post-England
Peterborough, Barcelona, 29.VI.2005
Parij, Parij, where art thou?
East, West and one man between
Warszawa, Valladolid, Nottingham, 14.IV.2007
Those so precious moments when the Elder speak
Plovdiv, 12.II.2004
A Barbecue Encounter
Treatise about a pair of tits
Nottingham, 1.V.2006
Запасявайте се със свежи български домати
От Великата Британия където храната не расте!
Нотингам, 2.IV.2005
Запасявайте се със свежи български домати!
От Великата Британия където храната не расте!
Reconstituted Potato Flake (51%) (with Emulsifiers: Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, Disodium Dihydrogen Diphosphate; Preservative: Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite; Antioxidants: Citric Acid, Ascorbyl Palmitate), Water, Beef Mince (21%), Onions*, Vegetable Oil and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Rice Flour, Tomato Puree, Beef Gelatine**, Stabiliser: Methyl Cellulose; Colour: Ammonia Caramel; Potato Starch, Onion Powder, Whey Powder, Dextrose, Butter Extract, Salt, Yeast Extract, Flavouring***, Beef Extract****, Dried Garlic, Spices.
Продължава на български и малко английски...
Нотингам, 2.IV.2005
A Barbecue Encounter
Treatise about a pair of tits
All brittish live in houses with backyards. This is so that when sun appears one day they could have a barbecue there. (yup, the outdoor fireplace is laid in brick and probably was the first part of the house that was ever erected!)
My story is how a particularly endowed girl (a barbecue housemate) popped in to one of these barbecues (my first actually! barbecue, that is). ...
Continues in English...
Nottingham, 1.V.2006
Those so precious moments when the Elder speak
... oh, my bigger sister (kaka), your grandmother, was the princess of the Neighbourhood! and your granpa Kolio, he was a very handsome man, he knew very much how to wear himself! How to dress himself. My girlfriends would say - "hey, when we see the man of your kaka, we turn around after he passes, to have a look at him a 2nd time ;-)".
Besides, he was a very good man, very nice and good soul!
Continues in English...
Plovdiv, 12.II.2004
Parij, Parij, where art thou?
East, West and one man between
... He is worried about my good future in a typically british circumstances but I have already decided.
Next year I will be getting no job. I will be going back to Eastern Europe. I already have more money than I have ever thought  possible - I sold 3 years of my youth.
I am going back home in the East, I remember that I too had passions when I was still there. I dont remember what they were anymore, my only dream now is to be with creative people, people that will challenge my senses. I am sure that passions will  return then. 
Continues in English with Slavic here and there...
Warszawa, Valladolid, Nottingham, 14.IV.2007
Stepped down in Barcelona
Impressions post-England
... Streets were again the bottoms of precipices; sky was returned to its rightful place - somewhere far above your head - there was not a building less than 5 floors, most were 6 or 7! At last, eyesight was restricted to directions and saved from insanity. by the lining of the trees, TREES!, by the flow of parallel edges above!...
Continues in English, with bits of Spanish...
Peterborough, Barcelona, 29.VI.2005
my Central-European Christmas story
Only a clock-maker and rich merchants on donkeys are missing
... The house of the sword-master was great! All decorated with weapons and armoury! This is why I found it, in fact. The street had no lights to allow me to see any of the houses' numbers or any company signs. But through the lit window of one of the houses I saw a full knight`s armour standing and thought, this must be my place!
There I had tea with wine punsh, and after an hour of chatting he decided to give me the decorated sword for the price of the simpler model!
...He was talking so much even though initially he was afraid of his incapability in english! And mostly about swords. ...
Continues in English, with Slavic spice...
Praha and further, 16.XII.2005
Гьорличани и други
За модите и цивилизацията
... а също ми стана интересно, как дядовците са супер неглиже и не им пука - пийват си биричка, а бабите модни-модни -  на кафе! това май е източна европа :^)
а на мен тука белгийският съквартирант ми се смее че съм винаги с пуловери (и то май все на райета!). даже ми даде  книга да чета за ризи, фракове и ръкавели. мани, ами аз преди не бях забелязал тая обща тема в моето облекло и на  много познати!
Продължава на български, латиница и англ...
Гъорлиц, София, Нотингам, 16.III.2007
Back home, to the
land of hardship

A train conversation
... In this area, between Maritza [the main river of Thrace] and the sea were living only bulgarians. But later when the Turks come, all the armies marching to war pass through our ends. You know that they reach all the way to Vienna. Marching from Istanbul and the Anadol to Europe they were all passing exactly through that area. They wanted the villagers to feed them. They were seizing the cattle and making troubles to the houses and taking women and stuff. So the bulgarians one by one fled from the land and the villages emptied ...
Continues in English...
Sofiia-Plovdiv, 13.XII.2006
east-west and extinction
On my frustration with a different culture
Dear Ani,
I tend to write when I am in some enthusiastic mood but here is one of the contrary.

i am currently taken by a mourning for the disappearance of the communist bloc.
only cuba remains keeping up against the pressure of mediocrity, ...
Continues in English...
Nottingham, 6.X.2005
no mear, barcelona
Back to Sanity
... That universe is one of tons of washing hanging off the balconettes, dark holes of open doors luring the eye, and patchy movements of people crossing inside that you cannot see. Most doors are open but have very long blindsblinds reminding of oriental rugs (черги), thrown over the parapets to let the wind in, yet stop the light. The still air is layered by an undiscernible mixture of cooking smells that probably has ancient origins - the oldest ingredients might have been aging here for hundreds of years undisturbed by wind. ...
Continues in English with bits of Catalan...
Barcelona, 11.VII.2005
zakuska v Parij
a short communication
... Eto tche i zakuskata ni e naistina totalno parijka totchno kakto sam si ia predstavial - snimkata dolu ne e aranjirana! A vsiaka vetcher me zapoznavat s razlitchno vino ot tazi godina i onazi rekolta, no predimno ot Elzas. ...
Prodaljava na latinitza...
Bulon-Bilankur, Parij, 30.VII.2006
a sad loss
Stranger for a second year
 - Wolfson court. How can I help you?
 - Hi! Er, I was staying at Wolfson court last week, in room 304, and I forgot there an elephant!
 - All items found in the rooms have been disposed after the guests left, I am afraid.
 - You mean Elmer... oh...
 - What have you left in the room, once again?

 - An elephant, my conference elephant. ...
Continues in English...
Cambridge and Nottingham, 6.X.2005
Зимата дойде
Мечта за Нотингам
Ех, днеска се събуждам, навънка всичко е бяло, само покривите на къщите под нашата се виждат. Прозореца е отворен защото парното го дава жежко (да бе - като в Студентски град!) и отвън навлиза съвсем омекотена песен на птици и бумтеж на далечен влак. ...
Продължава на български, с отделни англ. думи...
Нотингам, 13.X.2006
A few stories from a Balkan train journey
War, crisis and happiness
... When he escaped out of her range, restlessly drinking from the water fountain outside, she redirected her outpour to us, without decreasing the decibels: "Ah, let him stay here, let him miss the train to see what he's going to do! I cannot care about this man anymore! He is like a child! Look at him, please! Thinks only of his thirst! Now the train will set off and he will have to run after it! The fool!"  ...
Continues in English...
Belgrade - Nish - Dimitrovgrad, 21.XII.2005
Solar Magnetohydrodynamics
Creativity of two kinds
... After six months of effort I was so excited at getting the result, that I drew a picture of the phenomenon and instead of the calculations showed the picture to my boss!
Here it is! Beautiful, int'e'?
Continues in English with some Physics...
Sheffield, 10.V.2007
Neuro music
Playing music makes you smart?
Nottingham, 21.III.2007
Neuro music
Playing music makes you smart?
One day a Journalist came about and said, 'Ok, i tried to read all the conclusions section of your new article in Nature Neuroscience but it all looks so boring that I fell asleep! Please tell me something that will be interesting to the average yahoo reader?  ...
Continues in English with some Neuroscience...
Nottingham, 21.III.2007
Visa for America
Yes, I really did send this letter!
Dear Prof Golubitsky,
[President of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics in USA]
Yesterday I finally got an interview in the embassy in London. However the typo in my poster title ("Turing pattens" which unfortunately I didn't notice when you sent to me the electronic version of the letter :- ( ) was taken unexpectedly seriously by the staff and apparently casted doubt on the
credibility of all my documents. "It raised the question am I a student at all."
Continues in English...
US embassy in London, 21.I.2005
Things are not OK in Milton, Ontario
The Supernatural haunts worldwide
... What if a mason guy saw ya and came out of that building!!! Maybe you interrupt their secret dealings with abducted children!? It is all devil people, coming to take the souls of our young! Be they masons, sectants, moonists, maybe even protestants!!
Continues in English...
Milton, Ontario / Bulgaria, 11.II.2007
Pismo do priiatel vkashti
Lek za bitovoto tchernogledstvo
Haide, tchakam tvoia tcherno-bial pogled ...
Prodaljava na latinitza i kirilitza...
ot deletche, daletche, 5.IV.2005
An Essay on Creationism
Intelligent Design debate arrived to the UK
... At this point, a visitor from Mars would quite believe that Creationists are the reasonable guys and Scientists are some nuts mollahs. ...
Continues in English...
Nottingham, 19.II.2007
Островни митове
можем да се насочим към крайчеца на Корнуол към онзи мързелив кравар със собствената гора и рекичка и тримата синове и много много див чесън (млякото на кравите му би било идеално за таратор или пържени тиквички, само трябва да го научим да си го вкисва!) ...
Продължава на български...
Албион, Каледония, Хиберния, 19.IV.2007
Един булдог
Сън за махалата, кучета и котки
А пък аз сънувах че съм црни трубач от Гуча, заработил много надалеч. Връщам се в махалата си в Пловдив да открия старите къщи и старите кучета още там. Някак си празна, зелена и спокойна - наистина не като циганска махала, а нашата си улица - Славянска. ...
Продължава на български...
Пловдив на сън, Нотингам, 5.V.2007
цветният месец Май,
на някои езици - Кветен
Какво показват празниците за стопаните си
А пък тук Първи май, го празнуват на 7-ми (обясниха ми че на времето го сменили за да объркат работниците и угасят революционния им плам) и при това го наричат "Банков празник"! ...
Продължава на български...
Нотингам, 6.V.2007
Туин Пийкс
Води към история за Ню Йорк
>a sega kyde si
>i razhojdash li se?

разхождам се, пак самичък
разходките ме доведоха до Twin Peaks днес

но се върнах : ) и сега сериозно се нуждая от душ
Продължава на български...
някъде из Америка, 1.VI.2007